Monday, January 24, 2011

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah [Due Date 24 Feb 2011...... Time for a Break.... Again!]

Monday, 24th January 2011.........
My wife is now in the 36th weeks of the pregnancy. My baby girl is due one month from now. So, it's time for me to take a break from mountain biking again. This time I will take a longer break as of 2011, all government servants are entitled for 90 days maternity leaves. That means, I will be out for about 4 months. I hope PCP won't be doing any race in that time.

Tonite (07/02/2011), I'm taking my wife to Klinik Bersalin Pertiwi to see Dr. Yati (Wafi was delivered safely by Dr Yati back in 2008). Hopefully everything is on schedule.

Latest Update:
What was supposed to be a normal appointment with Dr Yati (07/02/2011) had turned out to be suprised to us. Our baby girl was not going to wait for the due date which was going to be in 2 weeks time.

Yanti safely delivered baby Zoolfa Nureen Khadeeja the following morning at 7:45am (08/02/2011). Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.

Zoolfa - having a small and finely chiselled nose, precious, first part of night, night
Nureen - light, lovable, bright
Khadeeja - Prophet Muhammad SAW first wife

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